

What is a Labiaplasty?

This procedure is done to improve the look and feel of your labia minora (exterior of the vagina). It can be for any patient who has had children or gone through pregnancy, but it's also used as an option if you're experiencing pain with intercourse due to large vaginal lips that may interfere during intimacy.

Who is a Labiaplasty Candidate?

Any woman who is embarrassed about the appearance of her labia may visit with Dr. Chmielewski to discuss potential Labiaplasty procedures that could help restore confidence in intimacy and minimize discomfort during intercourse. As all surgeries by this doctor are done carefully, it is important for you have stable mental health before surgery can begin.
Dr. Chmielewski's Labiaplasty procedures can resolve the problems that this may present to a woman's confidence in regard her current appearance of labia post-pregnancy and giving birth. These corrections are accomplished by removing excess tissue in that area, reshaping what remains into healthy youthful form while normalizing laxity following pregnancy among other things

LABIAPLASTY procedure in new york

Labiaplasty Surgery Pre-Op and Post-Op

How do I prepare for my Labiaplasty?

Dr. Chmielewski will give you specific instruction on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking (light meal is ok for local anesthesia but nothing to eat 12 hours before if using IV sedation or general anesthesia), smoking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins, and medications. If you smoke, plan to quit at least two weeks be­fore your surgery and not to resume for at least six weeks after your surgery. You should arrange for someone to drive you home and assist with your care for a day or two after you leave the hospital, if needed.

What happens during a Labiaplasty?

Before the surgery, Dr. Chmielewski will consult with you to determine the best strategy for your personalized procedure. When all variables and end goals are clearly understood, anesthesia will be administered to treat the naturally occurring pain of the operation.

What is the Labiaplasty Recovery Process?

It is imperative that you follow the instructions given by Dr. Chmielewski. After Labiplasty surgery in particular there can be some swelling and discomfort around an area of incision while healing takes place but don't worry - this will go away within a few days with daily treatments from Dr. Chmielewski! You're also required to abstain from sex for six weeks after procedure completion Complete healing may take up to three months.

What are the Risks of a Labiaplasty?

Post-operative complications such as permanent visible scars, bleeding, infection, and dyspareunia (painful sex), cosmetic dissatisfaction, asymmetry, numbness, wound separation, and vaginal dryness are rare, but can occur. Other general complications include but are not limited to blood clots, tissue damage, pain, respiratory problems, infection, loss of sensation, loss of motion or even loss of bodily function. Smokers should be advised to stop, as smoking may increase the risk of complications and delay healing and necessitate a second operation. You can reduce your risk of complications by closely following your surgeon’s instructions before and after the surgery, especially with regard to when and how you should resume physical activity.
