

What is a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can change the size, shape and angle of one's nose. This may be done to correct an injury or birth defect as well as provide relief from breathing problems such as those caused by allergies oncoming traffic fumes and pollution in some cases.

Who is a Rhinoplasty Candidate?

The best candidates for Rhinoplasty are people who want to improve the way they look. Age may also be a consideration, and many plastic surgeons prefer not operate on teenagers until after their growth spurt has ended if at all possible because it’s difficult when there's still so much going in that area of one's body which is underdeveloped.

Rhinoplasty in manhattan

Rhinoplasty Surgery Pre-Op and Post-Op

How do I prepare for my Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Chmielewski will evaluate your structure and discuss the possibilities with you. She also ex­plains factors that can influence procedures, including bone size/shape, skin thickness etc., in order to provide a personalized outcome for each person's facial traits

What happens during a Rhinoplasty?

The nose is separated from its supporting framework during surgery, and after sculpting the desired shape of your problem. The specifics depend on which technique the surgeon prefers; most often they'll do this through an "open" procedure which leaves minimal scarring or make it possible for you to see what's happening inside (which means nerve damage won't happen). Once the sur­gery is complete, a splint will be applied to help your nose maintain its new shape. Nasal packs or soft plastic splints may be placed in your nostrils to stabilize the septum, the dividing wall between the air passages.

What is the Rhinoplasty Recovery Process?

You may feel a bit puffy and sore after surgery, so plan on staying in bed with your head elevated for the first day. Your face will also ache from being swollen around all of those stitches!
You’ll notice that the swelling and bruising around your eyes will increase at first, reaching a peak after two to seven days. You may apply a cold compress for reduced discomfort in order reduce some pain from soreness or injury before it has time fully develop into more permanent conditions. A little bleeding is common during the first few days following surgery, and you may continue to feel some stuffiness for several weeks. Your surgeon may ask you not to blow your nose for a week or so while the tissues heal.
If you have nasal packing, it will be removed after a few days. All dressings and splints should also come off in about one or two weeks, but not before then. You can wear contact lenses as soon as you feel like it; however, if you wear glasses, they will have to be taped to your forehead or propped on your cheeks until your nose is completely healed in approximately seven weeks.

What are the Risks of a Rhinoplasty?

After surgery, small burst blood vessels may appear as tiny red spots on the skin’s surface. These are usually minor but can be permanent if not treated correctly. When rhinoplasty is performed from inside your nose there will also be no visible scars left behind however when an “open technique" was used scarring could become prominent for some people.
